miercuri, 24 februarie 2010

Brain Power

Din seria “Human Body – The Ultimate Machine” spicuiesc cateva lucruri estentiale supravietuirii umane (bazate pe educatia evolutiva):
- FOAMEA este mai importanta decat reproducerea :))) ca vrem sau nu sa o recunoastem, ne gandim tot timpul la mancare. Simtul placerii este mult mai intens decat simtul reproducerii. Triplu chiar :))) Un om poate supravietui fara mancare intre 25-40 de zile. Dupa ce si-a consumat rezervele de energie din corp (stocurile din organe, aka grasime) ca o ultima incercare de existenta, creierul leader ordona corpului sa se manance singur. Astfel, muschii incep sa se consume (cca 50.000 de unitati de glucoza se afla stocate acolo, insa consumul de jumatate din aceasta inseamna clar moarte). Ba mai mult, pana si muschiul inimii (ultimul ramas intreg din corp) incepe sa se consume singur, doar - doar se intampla un miracol intre timp, si prostul de om pierdut prin cine stie ce cotlon, gaseste de la Preamaritul Gezus and Friends, o larva, un animal sau chiar un alt om.
Deci nu te mai mira sau supara daca prietenul tau face urat cand umblii cu furculita in farfuria LUI, sau daca se ascunde cand isi mananca ciocolata!

Pentru aportul necesar de vitamine, minerale, oligo elemente bla bla, creierul trece peste impulsurile algice, astfel ca sinapsele sunt “imbracate” intr-un manson de hormoni pentru a putea fi oprite din functiune. Te lobotomizezi singur. De aceea incepi sa mananci cu ardoare ardei iute (care contine de 3 ori mai mult vitamina C decat o portocala) sau usturoi, sau ochi de peste (contin apa dulce) sau alte chestii dezgustatoare si deranjante in mod normal.

Transpiratia reprezinta Aerul Conditionat al corpului uman, iar sangele are rol de racitor al creierului/ organelor.

In cazuri de extrem pericol (unde intra in calcul timpul si viteza), creierul proceseaza miliardele de informatii (cam 11 miliarde pe secunda stimuli internisi externi) de Xdemii de ori mai rapid decat in mod normal. Astfel ca are loc asa zisa “oprire a timpului”, adica iti oferi singur, ca un geniu nedescoperit ce esti, ragazul de a gandi mai pe indelete optiunile pe care le ai. Experiment: milisecundarul ptr bungee jumping :)))
Timpul e relativ doar! Perceptia iti apratine doar tie insuti!

In timpul somnului, creierul elibereaza melatonina, hormon care paralizeaza muschii corpului, ca sa nu nu mai fi tu in stare sa te misti din pat spre geam de ex. Sunt 4 faze ale somnului (din cate stiu eu). Prima faza e ca prima viteza la pornirea masinii. E doar o mica relaxare a corpului, te anunti singur ca intri in stare de repaos. A doua faza, creierul vorbeste organelor interne sa se potoleasca intre ele si sa zemuiasca, inima se relaxeaza si isi reduce bataile, glandele suprarenale nu mai produc epinefrina si serotonina, esti ZEN. In faza trei, de somn profund, cand au loc visele, creierul declanseaza REVIZIA TEHNICA INTERNA, cu ajutorul celor 70 de km. de fire neuronale. El primeste astfel informatii despre tot ce exista inauntrul tau, ce trebuie reparat, ce functioneaza bine etc etc. Mai mult, el, mititelul, revede TOT ce s-a intamplat in ziua aceea, aka amintiri, elimina detaliile neimportante (fata aluia care era atat de comuna, faptul ca ai luat metroul si ai mers 5 statii etc etc) si restul ramas, il stocheaza in centrul memoriei. Stocarea memoriei nu se face pe straturi sau sertare bine organizate, ci este pur si simplu random. Magie!
In timpul fazei III a somnului, deasemenea, hipotalamusul (mai exact o portiune din el care nu mai stiu cum se numeste pentru ca mi-am luat lecitina azi) opreste simtul logicii. Un motiv in plus ca sa nu te misti sau sa nu mai ai actiuni cognitive.
De leucidat misterul somnambulilor!
Concluzie: visele sunt doar amintirile zilei/zilelor/ vietii tale, sferturi de calcule puse laolalta, care pot lua forme reale, sub forma de scenarii cu persoane, locatii si actiuni de-adevaratelea. Prin starea de veghe (si avand in vedere ca esti mai aproape de subconstient adica natura primara a ta de functionare tehnica) ti se dezvolta si imaginatia. Spune DA viselor! ATINGE ECRANUL! ATINGE ECRANUL!!!
Exceptie: visele lucide. Cand incepi sa zbori si te miri cum naiba ai ajuns tu deasupra blocului tau, si in vis iti zici singur ca e NORMAL sa o faci ptr ca visezi.
Hmmm. Tare, nu? Parca simtul logicii era decapitat?!

In conditii de extrema caldura (desert/ sofat in raliuri/ sauna etc) temperatura creierului uman creste cu un grad la fiecare 5 minute. 10 Grade in plus inseamna Fal Fal cu aripi si aureola.

Enjoy ep. 4!

marți, 16 februarie 2010

Micro univers = Macro univers

"Dumnezeu nu zoaca zaruri cu Universul" A. Einstein

Ipotezele elaborate in privinta invizibilitatii, teleportarii si telepatiei sunt strans legate intre ele si inca sunt considerate abracadabrante.
Dupa cum ziceam acum ceva timp, si noi suntem energie, nu in forma pura (nu unde ci doar biomasa care ar putea fi transformata in urma unor calculatii cuantice) si noi functionam electronic: sistemul LexA, care combina deopotriva frecventele in Hz, campul electromagmetic al Pamantului si al nostru personal, conditiile naturale externe si interne de temperature, viteza de transformare a hranei cu ajutorul enzimelor (in glucoza => epinefrina/ serotonina/ melanina etc), conditiile de mediu (zi/ noapte/ lumina/ intuneric/ viteza vantului etc etc) astfel ca modelul de functionare si existenta a spatiului cosmic se aseamana foarte mult cu sistemul uman de funtionare fizica si cognitiva. Doar din stele de tragem, nu?
Acum, cu nota personala, interiorul corpului nostru seamana extraordinar de mult cu spatial interstelar, nu numai prin forme dar si prin fuzionare. Si noi avem Supernovele noastre, si in interiorul nostru “informatia” energie e transportata cu o viteza impresionanta, asemanatoare cu cea a luminii. In fiecare secunda, 11 miliarde de informatii (bitzi) sunt transmisibile pe/prin corpul nostru (sunt luate in calcul). Cand se va descoperi 100% corpul uman atunci se va descoperi 100% si Universul. Dar sa nu fim nerabdatori, nu vorbim de cativa ani, vorbim de sute de ani de acum incolo.
Experimentul Philadelphia (si cele direct relationate) referitoare la invizibilitate si teleportare sunt strans legate de experimental Montauk, prin care s-a ajuns la calatoria in spatiu si timp prin telepatie. SF-uri pentru masele simple ca noi.

Einstein a fost un om maret, si totusi a lucrat ptr Marina Americana la explozii si explozibili. :) un adevarat exemplu de compasiune intru salvarea umanitatii :)).



miercuri, 10 februarie 2010

Fir-ati ai dracu'!

NASA Credits

Avand in vedere acestea, ACUM AS DORI SA MA SINUCID!

Din seria "Multa lume, putini oameni"!

Primii oameni de pe continentul nostru alb dalb s-au situat in zona Delta Dunarii. Stiam eu! Se pare ca noi tot acolo am ramas, in preistorie :)))

Ia baga un ochi aici:

Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -NYTimes.comhttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/science/01arch.html?_r=1&pagew...
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December 1, 2009

A Lost European Culture, Pulled From Obscurity

Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, even before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there lived in the Lower Danube Valley and the Balkan foothills people who were ahead of their time in art, technology and long-distance trade.
For 1,500 years, starting earlier than 5000 B.C., they farmed and built sizable towns, a few with as many as 2,000 dwellings. They mastered large-scale copper smelting, the new technology of the age. Their graves held an impressive array of exquisite headdresses and necklaces and, in one cemetery, the earliest major assemblage of gold artifacts to be found anywhere in the world.
The striking designs of their pottery speak of the refinement of the culture’s visual language. Until recent discoveries, the most intriguing artifacts were the ubiquitous terracotta “goddess” figurines, originally interpreted as evidence of the spiritual and political power of women in society.
New research, archaeologists and historians say, has broadened understanding of this long overlooked culture, which seemed to have approached the threshold of “civilization” status. Writing had yet to be invented, and so no one knows what the people called themselves. To some scholars, the people and the region are simply Old Europe.
The little-known culture is being rescued from obscurity in an exhibition, “The Lost World of Old Europe: the Danube Valley, 5000-3500 B.C.,” which opened last month at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University. More than 250 artifacts from museums in Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania are on display for the first time in the United States. The show will run through April 25.
At its peak, around 4500 B.C., said David W. Anthony, the exhibition’s guest curator, “Old Europe was among the most sophisticated and technologically advanced places in the world” and was developing “many of the political, technological and ideological signs of civilization.”
Dr. Anthony is a professor of anthropology at Hartwick College in Oneonta, N.Y., and author of “The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World.” Historians suggest that the arrival in southeastern Europe of people from the steppes may have contributed to the collapse of the Old Europe culture by 3500 B.C.
At the exhibition preview, Roger S. Bagnall, director of the institute, confessed that until now “a great many archaeologists had not heard of these Old Europe cultures.” Admiring the colorful ceramics, Dr. Bagnall, a specialist in Egyptian archaeology, remarked that at the time “Egyptians were certainly not making pottery like this.”
A show catalog, published by Princeton University Press, is the first compendium in English of research on Old Europe discoveries. The book, edited by Dr. Anthony, with Jennifer Y. Chi, the institute’s associate director for exhibitions, includes essays by experts from Britain, France, Germany, the United States and the countries where the culture existed.
1 din 4 10.02.2010 00:50
Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -NYTimes.comhttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/science/01arch.html?_r=1&pagew...
Dr. Chi said the exhibition reflected the institute’s interest in studying the relationships of well-known cultures and the “underappreciated ones.”
Although excavations over the last century uncovered traces of ancient settlements and the goddess figurines, it was not until local archaeologists in 1972 discovered a large fifth-millennium B.C. cemetery at Varna, Bulgaria, that they began to suspect these were not poor people living in unstructured egalitarian societies. Even then, confined in cold war isolation behind the Iron Curtain, Bulgarians and Romanians were unable to spread their knowledge to the West.
The story now emerging is of pioneer farmers after about 6200 B.C. moving north into Old Europe from Greece and Macedonia, bringing wheat and barley seeds and domesticated cattle and sheep. They established colonies along the Black Sea and in the river plains and hills, and these evolved into related but somewhat distinct cultures, archaeologists have learned. The settlements maintained close contact through networks of trade in copper and gold and also shared patterns of ceramics.
The Spondylus shell from the Aegean Sea was a special item of trade. Perhaps the shells, used in pendants and bracelets, were symbols of their Aegean ancestors. Other scholars view such long-distance acquisitions as being motivated in part by ideology in which goods are not commodities in the modern sense but rather “valuables,” symbols of status and recognition.
Noting the diffusion of these shells at this time, Michel Louis Seferiades, an anthropologist at the National Center for Scientific Research in France, suspects “the objects were part of a halo of mysteries, an ensemble of beliefs and myths.”
In any event, Dr. Seferiades wrote in the exhibition catalog that the prevalence of the shells suggested the culture had links to “a network of access routes and a social framework of elaborate exchange systems — including bartering, gift exchange and reciprocity.”
Over a wide area of what is now Bulgaria and Romania, the people settled into villages of single-and multiroom houses crowded inside palisades. The houses, some with two stories, were framed in wood with clay-plaster walls and beaten-earth floors. For some reason, the people liked making fired clay models of multilevel dwellings, examples of which are exhibited.
A few towns of the Cucuteni people, a later and apparently robust culture in the north of Old Europe, grew to more than 800 acres, which archaeologists consider larger than any other known human settlements at the time. But excavations have yet to turn up definitive evidence of palaces, temples or large civic buildings. Archaeologists concluded that rituals of belief seemed to be practiced in the homes, where cultic artifacts have been found.
The household pottery decorated in diverse, complex styles suggested the practice of elaborate at-home dining rituals. Huge serving bowls on stands were typical of the culture’s “socializing of food presentation,” Dr. Chi said.
At first, the absence of elite architecture led scholars to assume that Old Europe had little or no hierarchical power structure. This was dispelled by the graves in the Varna cemetery. For two decades after 1972, archaeologists found 310 graves dated to about 4500 B.C. Dr. Anthony said this was “the best evidence for the existence of a clearly distinct upper social and political rank.”
Vladimir Slavchev, a curator at the Varna Regional Museum of History, said the “richness and variety of the Varna grave gifts was a surprise,” even to the Bulgarian archaeologist Ivan Ivanov, who directed the discoveries. “Varna is the oldest cemetery yet found where humans were buried with golden ornaments,”
2 din 4 10.02.2010 00:50
Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -NYTimes.comhttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/science/01arch.html?_r=1&pagew...
Dr. Slavchev said.
More than 3,000 pieces of gold were found in 62 of the graves, along with copper weapons and tools, and ornaments, necklaces and bracelets of the prized Aegean shells. “The concentration of imported prestige objects in a distinct minority of graves suggest that institutionalized higher ranks did exist,” exhibition curators noted in a text panel accompanying the Varna gold.
Yet it is puzzling that the elite seemed not to indulge in private lives of excess. “The people who donned gold costumes for public events while they were alive,” Dr. Anthony wrote, “went home to fairly ordinary houses.”
Copper, not gold, may have been the main source of Old Europe’s economic success, Dr. Anthony said. As copper smelting developed about 5400 B.C., the Old Europe cultures tapped abundant ores in Bulgaria and what is now Serbia and learned the high-heat technique of extracting pure metallic copper.
Smelted copper, cast as axes, hammered into knife blades and coiled in bracelets, became valuable exports. Old Europe copper pieces have been found in graves along the Volga River, 1,200 miles east of Bulgaria. Archaeologists have recovered more than five tons of pieces from Old Europe sites.
An entire gallery is devoted to the figurines, the more familiar and provocative of the culture’s treasures. They have been found in virtually every Old Europe culture and in several contexts: in graves, house shrines and other possibly “religious spaces.”
One of the best known is the fired clay figure of a seated man, his shoulders bent and hands to his face in apparent contemplation. Called the “Thinker,” the piece and a comparable female figurine were found in a cemetery of the Hamangia culture, in Romania. Were they thinking, or mourning?
Many of the figurines represent women in stylized abstraction, with truncated or elongated bodies and heaping breasts and expansive hips. The explicit sexuality of these figurines invites interpretations relating to earthly and human fertility.
An arresting set of 21 small female figurines, seated in a circle, was found at a pre-Cucuteni village site in northeastern Romania. “It is not difficult to imagine,” said Douglass W. Bailey of San Francisco State University, the Old Europe people “arranging sets of seated figurines into one or several groups of miniature activities, perhaps with the smaller figurines at the feet or even on the laps of the larger, seated ones.”
Others imagined the figurines as the “Council of Goddesses.” In her influential books three decades ago, Marija Gimbutas, an anthropologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, offered these and other so-called Venus figurines as representatives of divinities in cults to a Mother Goddess that reigned in prehistoric Europe.
Although the late Dr. Gimbutas still has an ardent following, many scholars hew to more conservative, nondivine explanations. The power of the objects, Dr. Bailey said, was not in any specific reference to the divine, but in “a shared understanding of group identity.”
As Dr. Bailey wrote in the exhibition catalog, the figurines should perhaps be defined only in terms of their actual appearance: miniature, representational depictions of the human form. He thus “assumed (as is justified by our knowledge of human evolution) that the ability to make, use and understand symbolic objects such as figurines is an ability that is shared by all modern humans and thus is a capability that connects you, me, Neolithic men, women and children, and the Paleolithic painters in caves.”
3 din 4 10.02.2010 00:50
Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -NYTimes.comhttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/science/01arch.html?_r=1&pagew...
Or else the “Thinker,” for instance, is the image of you, me, the archaeologists and historians confronted and perplexed by a “lost” culture in southeastern Europe that had quite a go with life back before a single word was written or a wheel turned.
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4 din 4 10.02.2010 00:50

Future cars, PIVO2

Nu pot sa ma abtin! Pur si simplu ii iubesc pe japonezii astia! Am sa fac un post special ptr PIVO2 (de la Nissan), o masinuta dotata cu Inteligenta Artificiala, suuuuuper cute, suuuper moderna si OK, recunosc, destinata persoanelor cu varsta cuprinsa intre 10 - 16 ani.

Desi pun linkul ei aici (neaarat de vazut tabul CONCEPT ptr detalii si filmulete), o sa spicuiesc ceva si aici.

Avem o cabina (cu 3 locuri) situata pe un sasiu automobil, care se poate roti in orice directie, autonomie 360 grade. Astfel ca poti schimba directia de mers oricand, fara sa deranjezi traficul, elimini parcarea laterala (care devine frontala) si un robotel dragut, cu camere in locul ochilor, care monitorizeaza fata soferului si ii calculeaza in functie de indicii de expresie, starea lui naturala. Adica vorbeste cu tine. Daca ai ochii atintiti in alta parte decat la volan/ drum, el te roaga sa fii atent. Daca ai condus cateva ore, el te roaga sa iei o pauza si te mai si invita la o cafea (cu gps super jme incorporat). Nu mai zic cum rade!!! M-am indragostit clarrrr!

In plus, cabina pasagerului este toata transparenta, astfel ca poti vedea ceeeruuul si ai o mai mare senzatie de spatiu :P

Este electrica, iluminatul se face prin baterii cu Li-I. :D

Eii, cine e cu mine???? Facem o raita??

Jmecherii ale corpului uman

& related

& related

ATP adica "Adenosine triphosphate" o nucleotida care pune in miscare lumea. In fiecare particica a corpului nostru (inafara creierului) se afla niste rezerve naturale (just in case) care pot fi transformate si folosite, in cazuri extreme, ca energie pura depozitata. Prin ATP aceasta draguta (si cu ajutorul unor hormoni si a unor enzime, printre care cea mai importanta fiind adrenalina) putem obtine performante extraordinare, la care nici nu ne gandim. Putem alerga cu 60 km/h, putem ridica greutati de 200 kg etc etc fara sa fi avut vreodata inainte un antrenament anume. Ma refer la oamenii normali, nu la sportivi, nu la doctori docenti.
Aceste performante pot diferi ca timp, de la 10 secunde pana la 6 ore, in functie de cat de lucrat este psihicul nostru. Este nevoie intai de concentrare si relaxare si apoi de sport fizic. Practic, ne putem perfectiona in orice domeniu in circa 6-9 ani (ca si memorie vizuala si afectiva, ehhh, alt subiect stufos).
La nevoie, organismul nostru se poate "manca singur" pentru a face rost de acea energie care sa ne tina in viata, vorbind strict de situatii limita de supravietuire. Zic exceptii, dar o putem face oricand oricum, si ii dau exemplu pe yoghini si pe atleti.

* la atleti este foarte cunoscut termenul de "zidul", in care practic persoana respectiva ajunge in punctul 100% din consumul energiei normale de functionare, si nu mai poate trece mai departe/ interschimba (dpdv psihic) spre energia ATP-ei. Unii lesina chiar. Black out nene.

Alte lucruri care ne scapa din vedere, un os uman rezista la o presiune/ greutate imensa.
Un os din torace = 1 tona
Un os de la picior = 3 tone
Gruparile mici de oase (laba piciorului sau mana) = 3-4 tone

Cel mai dureros sport este de fapt o arta, baletul, pentru ca in laba piciorului (stand pe poante) se exercita cea mai mare presiune, e ca si cand ai tine 3 elefanti in brate. Ptr ca este o arta, trebuie neaparat ca artistii sa para lejeri, eleganti si zambitori (natural!) si ei au foarte mult de furca in legatura cu antrenamentul psihic.

O alta particica din corpul nostru care rezista la greutati imense este cartilagiul (pojghita aceea care acopera oasele genunchilor). Este formata din celule de colagen care inoata in apa, si se poate supune la o greutate de 1 tona. De aici, punctele cele mai "grele" de presiune din corpul uman o reprezinta genunchii.

Cele mai importante membre ale noastre sunt mainile, nu picioarele sau altceva. Ptr a misca o mana (sa zicem ridicarea unei cani de pe masa la gura) sunt angrenati circa 4000 de nervi, prin intermediul receptorilor.

In timpul somnului, creierul nostru "repeta" tot ceea ce am invatat in ziua respectiva. Ca e vorba de o miscare, de un cuvant, de un studiu, de un proces, WHATEVER, el micutul, repeta tot. De aceea este foarte important sa avem un somn bun pe o durata specifica varstei nostre. Ca suntem adulti, as zice 8 ore mediu ;)

Cam atat, momentan. Am probleme cu memoria pe termen lung, dc somnului prost :)))

vineri, 5 februarie 2010

Corpul uman/ Simtul vazului

Suntem masinarii perfecte si extrem de usor adaptabile. Comparativ cu alte fiinte vii de pe planeta (fie ele mamifere, reptile, pesti, insecte), noi oamenii suntem perfect capabili de orice, fiind inzestrati inca inainte de nastere cu simturi super dezvoltate. Normal, nu ne prea dam seama de acest lucru datorita educatiei sociale limitate si liniare in care traim.

Simtul vazului. Este cel mai important simt al nostru (si nu numai al oamenilor), datorita caruia supravietuim, ne reproducem, co-existam.

70% din celulele nervoase aflate in S.N.C. sunt asignate acestui simt. Ochiul uman este capabil de absolut orice faza si etapa de existenta normala si psihica, spre deosebire de celelalte fiinte, in sensul ca noi le avem pe toate: vedere apropiata, periferica, intensa, de zi, lumina puternica, de noapte, disipata, concentrata, multipla, de relaxare, etc etc. Datorita vederii, ne dezvoltam unele simturi psihice (intuitia de ex.) bazate pe memoria afectiva, prin care recunoastem spatiul temporal si locativ, prevedem pericolul si intelegem comportamentul celorlalti oameni ("educatia" vizuala se dezvolta in 6-9 ani de la nastere). Mai mult, S.N.C. lupta foarte mult la restabilirea acestui simt, in cazul in care pe parcursul vietii intervine un accident si vederea este pierduta, pentru ca in marea majoritate, supravietuirea noastra depinde de el. :)

Ochii sunt asezati in niste orificii cavernoase care au rol de amortizatoare atunci cand sunt socuri. Spatiul dintre cei doi ochi (T-ul fetei) nu inseamna decat o vedere dubla din doua unghiuri diferite care ne ajuta sa apreciem foarte bine distanta, inaltimea si latimea spatiului, obiectelor etc etc.
Recomand seria Discovery "Human Body" nu numai pentru informatii, cat si pentru exercitiile cerebrale pe care le poti descoperi de-a lungul emisiunilor ;)
& related

Cititi-l si pe Kant. Cand aveti chef Domniile Voastre.

joi, 4 februarie 2010

Mãi... ã n i m ã l i l o r!

Masini vii, cu piele si inteligenta artificiala, rapide si ecologice.

Future cars, here's one sexy motherfucker, mãi... ã n i m ã l i l o r:
BMW’s G.I.N.A. (Geometry & function In “n” Numbers of Adaptations).



PET (celofan reciclat din sticle de plastic) va fi un material extrem de dorit in viitor. Subtire ca un fir de par, puternic ca un metal, cu tehnologie L.E.D. incorporata si pe baza de incarcare solara (pentru a asigura tot confortul unei case, de la apa calda la lumina) ne va rupe gura doar la televizor. Pentru ca noi nu putem.

Future houses, mãi... ã n i m ã l i l o r:


marți, 2 februarie 2010

Zile cu multe "Sã..."-uri

Hahahahhahahahahah, cine dracu’ m-a pus...!
Cand depasesti limitele... daca incepi ceva care de la bun inceput pare prea mult ptr tine si se dovedeste pe parcurs ca intr-adevar este prea mult? HA?

Incoming. Diãr. Incoming.

Du-te dracu’ si tu! Ce-s cu posturile astea reminders? Pentrucan-amstaresicandn-amstare.se.spune.ca.m-as.plictisi.