joi, 10 iunie 2010

Melisma recalls

Becoming a haunting ghost.
When searching becomes a pattern, we grow too restless to assimilate and integrate our discoveries and thus the whole treasure is lost, while only the hunt remains. There comes a point on the path where even the path itself needs to be abandoned. If we truly want to wake up, we will at some stage have to let go of the dream.
(Krister Linder)

“M-am sculat din pat si am fugit la oglinda de deasupra chiuvetei ptr ca-mi dadusera lacrimile si vroiam sa ma vad plangand. Stiam ca si Baudelaire facea lucru-asta. Am suflat aburi peste imaginea mea si am scris, pe oglinda, cu degetul, asa cum scriam zilnic cate ceva, ca intr-un jurnal fara memorie: DISPARI.”
(M. Carturescu - Travesti)

I am a peaceful person who happens to be filled with violent rage.

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